Diversity & Inclusion

The key to success lies in diversity. Problems and challenges are best solved when they are viewed from many different perspectives. But you can only get them if you have a diverse team. So it's all the more important for business success to surround yourself with the best talent - from a wide variety of backgrounds.

But that's not enough. It also requires an environment that allows for differences in solution and decision-making, creates space for discussion, and is characterized by an open-minded attitude toward other opinions.

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  • What can I do as a company to promote and live diverse and inclusive teams?
  • How can we create a corporate culture and a working environment in which all employees are respected, supported, treated equally and valued?
  • What can we change in the working conditions to make them flexible for different groups?
  • How can we ensure that diversity and inclusion are an integral part of various departments - from top management, HR management and recruiting to continuing education?

  • Survey the status of inclusion and diversity in the company through interviews on employee satisfaction and culture.
  • Evaluate the current status of employees in order to identify lines of action.
  • Set goals with KPIs and make them transparent for everyone
  • Clearly formulate values and how to deal with diversity and inclusion in order to integrate them into the corporate culture.
  • Raise awareness among managers through coaching
  • Offer training for current employees and integrate it into onboarding as well


More successful and innovative teams that can make better and more informed decisions based on diverse knowledge, skillsets, and experience

Equality and voice as attributes of a more attractive employer for new and existing employees

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